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We have collected a list of resources and will continue to add more as we learn about them


Please note we are not paid sponsors or promoters for the following resources and will not guarantee or recommend them for everyone. This page is meant to be an additional resource or inspiration to look for additional supports.

Pages of Book
Colorful Books

Books, Research, & Organizations

Grief and Death Education: Learning about grief, loss, and trauma, and death and dying can be one of the best ways to empower yourself.


-The Body Keeps the Score (Dr Bessel van der Kolk)

- It's OK That You're Not OK (Megan Devine)

- The Grieving Brain (Dr Frances O'Connor) and associated research

- Speaking Grief Resources

- The Hacket Center for Mental Health

- The Dougy Center

-Mourning Hope Grief Center

- Grief Support Network



Social Media, Websites, &
Virtual Education

Opportunities to learn, share, and heal via the comfort of your home.


- What's your grief

- Speaking Grief

- HealGrief

- The Dougy Center

- Grief Coach

- The MISS Foundation

- Modern Loss

- Glow in the Woods


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